Lloyd in Space Wiki


Welcome to the wiki of Lloyd in Space! Add some pages, photos and videos to the wiki. So have some fun with Lloyd, Eddie, Nora, and all their friends.

About the Show

Set in the far future, shortly after the end of World War IX. The show tells the continuing saga of Lloyd Nebulon a green-skinned alien (of the Verdigrean race) with strange ears and a single antenna sticking from his head. Lloyd lives in the Intrepidville Space Station along with his telekinetic and telepathic sister Francine and his mother, Commander Norah Li Nebulon, the Head of Intrepidville. Lloyd's friends are Eddie R. Horton (a red-haired teenage human), Kurt Blobberts (an enormous purple blob with a single eyeball and simple intelligence, of a species known as the Blobullons), and Douglas McNoggin (a giant brain with arms, feet). 
